The Trump campaign swag has made an error.  Its T-shirt eagle faees left, as the wearer would see it.  That signifies the Nazi Party. See   Be sure to note whether any article is from the wearer's viewpoint, or the person in front.  This post takes the wearer's viewpoint.

An issue is whether the eagle facing to the wearer's right is still Nazi, or does it signify the entire nation by that point.  Or the empire.  The extent of the Nazi control in 1942 was vast.  Illustration:

Nazism in 1942.  Extent


Visit German. Zivilcourage. Volte face -- the about-face, reversal, tide turning. Gleichschaaltung, the demand to get in gear.  Concepts from the experience of others to weigh heavily. The context is described in an essay source dated November 10, 2016, attributed to Peter Drexler, without title (I call it an essay on current times). It arrived in 2016, like the stork's gift, by email without attribution beyond name.  Is it fair use to quote a source that way?  Peter Drexler.

Alfred Dube: An Outsider's Tribute to a Survivor.

Alfred Dube; American citizen. Immigrant. WWII.

A Czech, from Pilsen and Prague.

His extended family members then in Europe died in the Holocaust.

Buchenwald held him as Inmate, briefly; in transit.

He passed from one labor-concentration camp to another.

He was held in 4-5 of them,

Including: Dora, Czestochova, and Bergen Belsen, see chronology.

Mummies Beneath Bremen Cathedral

The world needs travel series that includes more macabre.  More crypt finds, for example. Travel compilers, stop copying each other, and skip all that space on where to eat or sleep.  Wing that. In the newly freed pages, insert history, the odd.  For each specific recommendation on dining or sleeping, a traveler wastes valuable time finding it, passing fine alternatives on the way.  As to the odd bits, some travel guides do include some, too many do not.

Update 3/27/2013. On April 11, 1945, Brooklyn native Rabbi Herschel Schacter drove through Buchenwald's gates just after Patto's tanks breached the camp, the allied Third Army's VIII Corps. He had been attached to that group and was the first Jewish chaplain to enter Buchenwald. His call, repeated, "You are free!" echoed but was met with smells of burnt flesh, bodies by the hundreds He stayed there for months, tending, pastoring, working to resettle thousands in time. See obituary at http://www.

Sylvia (Guggenheim) Griffiths.

A Personal Telling:  This German Jewish Family since 1580.

Salute her search into WWII and other trauma, the family's response; and its legacy.

Sylvia (Guggenheim) Griffiths has written a personalized and warm tour de force in The Guggenheim File, Die Akte Guggenheim. The book is autobiography, family history, German Jewish history,  Holocaust and Nazification and the WWII diaspora tracking.

2012 marks the 200th anniversary of the publishing of Grimm's Fairy Tales.

Germany is ideal for trips that include other countries.  Do the central-south on one circular trip, begin and end in Frankfurt; then, second trip, begin and end in Copenhagen.  We veered down from Denmark to Germany in the north, enjoyed the Baltic areas of Germany, then boarded an overnight car-ferry back to Scandinavia, this time to Sweden, ultimately back to Copenhagen.  In this way we have enjoyed two improvised road trips in Germany, and without repeats.

Varus' Battle. Battle of Teutoborg Forest.

Roman General, Varus, and Turncoat Germanic Chieftain, Arminius.

An insurgency.

Clades Variana: The Varus Battle.

Many names to research, many spellings.


Famous battles assume a place in history for their strategy and impact; with individual identities and roles often subsumed.  Here, focus on the Roman general Varus, in 9 CE, who, with his three legions, was defeated by Arminius and local Germanic tribes.  Varusschlacht.  Kalkreise.
WIDUKIND, SAXON LEADER, 7th -8tth Centuries
WIDUKIND, SAXON LEADER, 7th -8tth Centuries
Beginning in about 777 ACE, the Chieftain Widukind led the Saxons in opposition to Charlemagne's Frankish and hostile Christian expansion. Warfare continued for 30 years. Widukind finally was defeated; and then forced to "convert". Legends as to Widukind's life after the defeat vary. The Church sainted him, absorbing him into their culture. This statue of Widukind is a small copy of the huge one that had stood on its pedestal in Enger. The Nazis melted it for war materiel.
Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Brandenburg Gate
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About Me
1. Travel, improvised road trips. Two on the Loose: EUROPE ROAD WAYS. How we do it; (click) Europe Road Ways, How We Do It; and Europe Road Ways on the Web. Blogs for countries visited: Andorra Road Ways, Austria Road Ways, Belgium Road Ways, Bosnia Road Ways, China Road Ways (Jon's trip), Croatia Road Ways, Czech Republic Road Ways, Denmark Road Ways, England Road Ways, France Road Ways, Germany Road Ways, Greece Road Ways (Carol and Jon), Hebrides Road Ways, Hungary Road Ways, Ireland Road Ways, Italy Road Ways, Liechtenstein Road Ways, Luxembourg Road Ways, Montenegro Road Ways, Netherlands Road Ways, Norway Road Ways, Orkney Road Ways, Poland Road Ways, Romania Road Ways, Russia Road Ways Moscow, Russia Road Ways St.Petersburg, Scotland Road Ways, Sicily Road Ways, Slovakia, Slovenia Road Ways, Spain Road Ways, including Gibraltar, Sweden Road Ways, Switzerland Road Ways, Trieste Road Ways, Wales Road Ways;
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